✓ Work which we carry out for our clients, often has a confidential character. Therefore, we don't disclose names of ours clients, without having secured previously with their agreement.
✓ Our clients can be sure that their confidential documentation won't get into unknown hands.
✓ Any client owning private business or having the interests, quite reasonably wishes, that information which it is provided to "Your juristconsult", wouldn't get at all on our site in the form of a logo or a banner.
✓ We in turn, assume obligations for nondisclosure commercial information of our clients, which directly or indirectly testifies to their kind of activity. We don't disclose names of ours clients, specifics of their order, their contacts and the contacts of their contractors.
✓ All information provided to us by the client in the process of rendering legal services, is especially confidential. Also information about our clients isn't stored on third-party servers and can't be available to the third parties.
✓ But if it is necessary, you can request from us the list of persons, which can made recommendations, and one of our senior managers will send you the list of clients who gave the consent to disclosure of their names. In this list some lawyer offices, legal contain establishments and the companies with solid reputation.
✓ To illustrate scales of our activity, we can allocate some key moments:
• Our base consists of more than 100 clients and partners in 9 countries of the world;
• 84% of our clients come back to us with new projects;
• We work with the international companies and the world organizations;
• Independent rating agencies awarded to us a rating 4,6 (from 5 possible).
›What other services renders the Law office “Your Jurisconsult” ?
› Payment for legal services in Armenia
› How to registration a firm in Armenia ?
› Registration of changes of legal entities
› How to liquidate a firm in Armenia ?
› How to become the double citizen ?
› Comments on family end probate cases in Armenia
>What is important to know about obligatory millitary service in Armenia?
> Order of entering the Republic of Armenia
> Rights and responsibilities of foreigners in the Republic of Armenia
> Acces to petirement insurance and oension benefits in Armenia
>Customs registration of cargoes in Armenia
> Education of foreigners in Armenia
>The foreign investment in Armenia
>Citizens that have not completed mandatory military service in Armenia
> Marriage and Divorce in Armenia
> Birth registration in Armenia
> Assurance of documents - apostils of Armenia
> Paternity determination in Armenia
> Rules adoption of a child in Armenia
› Your child has been kidnapped, what to do ?
› International adoption in Armenia
› Help the attorney in Armenia on extradition
›Abandonment or renunciation of citizenship of Armenia

Thank you for your attention and responsibility, scrupulosity and reliability! For excellence and high level of competence in your chosen rather complex and sometimes controversial field of legal relationships!