For physical persons
(+374) 91 01-15-61

On-line consultation
for physical persons


The Law firm “Your jurisconsult» provides broad range of legal services for individuals. Our services include representing and advising clients in the areas of making agreements, real estate issues and housing law (registration, privatization, land etc.), defense of copyright and adjacent law, client's rights defense.
We also will help you to draw up any drafts for all kinds of legal documents. 
Our attorneys will advise you on succession law issues, help you to understand the order of inheritance process, prepare the will drafts, provide consultations on death-duty matters.
In case of family disputes (divorce, property division, children, alimony) we will provide you with legal support and represent you at trials.
We will consult you on matters of relevant application of administrative responsibility for administrative violations, provide legal aid at traffic accidents.
We will support the preparations for the trials as well as your legal defense in the court.
We will help you with the interactions with any state bodies and institutions.
Bellow is the list of the detailed services for corporate clients and entrepreneurs
(individuals) presented

1. Attorneys Consultancy
   We provide qualified lawful aid on wide range of legal issues. Verbal consultations of the lawyers, as well as written conclusions on legal matters that are offered.

2. Real estate/Land
•    Consultancy on real estate and land issues
•    Elaboration and preparation of real estate buy-sell agreements, feoffment agreements, rent agreements, permanent alimony agreements, etc.
•    Legal aid on real estate inheritance issues
•    Real estate and land transactions guidance and support
•    Assistance in obtaining and registration of all the required documents for real estate and rent;
•    Pre-trial and trial regulations of the issues concerning real estate and land

3. Inheritance
•    Consultancy on inheritance issues
•    Testament draft drawing, testament legal examination;
•    Arguments regarding inheritance succession, including overdue inheritance succession
•    Arguments regarding testament division
•    Nullification of testament
•    Apportion of testament from joint ownership
•    Tax calculation on testament and/or donation, taxation minimization
•    Succession law other matters and issues

4. Housing Law
•    Concultancy on housing law (verbal and written)
•    Withdrawal of the citizens from the register of the residental premises
•    Privatization and deprivatization of residental and non-residental premises
•    Tenancy аgreement alteration (personal account division)
•    Apportion of residental premises of joint property/ownership
•    Residental premises buy-sell agreements, feoffment agreements, rent agreements
•    Residental premises exchange
•    Reimbursement/reparation of damages caused by flood, low-quality maintenance
•    Low-qiality construction of residential and non residential premises
•    Arguments with housing and communal services, housing co-operatives and partnerships
•    Arguments regarding housing issues arisen from testaments succession
•    Housing law and matters and issues

5. Employees Rights Protection
•    Consultations of specialists on labor arguments
•    Drawing up and development of labor contracts
•    Labor agreements legal examination
•    Pre-trial regulation of labor arguments
•    Legal defence of emploees rights in labour arguments (dismissal reasons contest, reinstatement in employment with wage recovery for the period of forced absenteeism, moral damage compensation

6. Consumers Rights Protection
•    Consultancy on consumers rights protection issues
•    Legal examination of agreements with sellers / service providers
•    Pre-trial regulation of arguments
•    Legal defense of consumers rights
•    Legal aid on law-quality goods acquisition
•    Legal aid on low-quality services provision
•    Elaboration of low quility goods and/or services provision claims
•    Elaboration of writes on customers rights defense

7. Family Law
   Attorneys’ consultations on family law issues:
•    Marriage contract
•    Juridical divorce, including international divorce
•    Elaboration of writes on divorcement
•    Drawing up documents required for divorcement
•    Wedlock nullification
•    Division of common property
•    Alimony claims
•    Parental rights deprivation
•    Adoption
•    Guardianship and trustees-ship
•    Juridical nullification of bargains made by one of the spouses
•    Elaboration and ratification of agreements of lawsuit
•    Elaboration and ratification of agreements on child/children upbringing and support order

8. Intellectual Property
•    Attorneys’ consultations on legal defense of intellectual property
•    Trade marks registration
•    Inventions, utility models and industrial models patenting
•    Author's and allied rights defense
•    Preparation of documents and presentаtion in court, Intellectual Property Agency, (Armpatent, Industrial property), Chamber of Commerce and Industry of RA and other institutions
•    Аnalysis, drawing up, registration of agreements on session of trade marks, license agreements
•    Intellectual property other issuеs and matters

9. Aid In Case Of Accidents
•    Consultations on matters regarding traffic incidents
•    Interests defence in investigation group
•    Presentatation of Clients' interests in insurance companies
•    Arguments settlement with insurance companies, including issues on obligatory car insurance and civil liability
•    Elaboration of writes, as well as pleading the cases in courts of all instances regarding compensation of damages caused by traffic accidents
•    Arguments settlement with state institutions (State Motor Licensing and Inspection Department, Traffic Inspection, etc)
•    Other issues

10. Administrative Law
•    Attorneys consultations on administrative law and administrative liability issues, official reprimands validity, disputable jural relation analysis, drawing up documents, including claims and petitions, written conclusions on consultancy issues, legal  guidance and support of claims and petitions
•    Road Law violations
•    Tax Law and Finance Law violation
•    Violations in the field of entrepreneurial activity
•    Violations of public order and public security
•    Other administrative violations

11. Aid on Taxation Issues
    Consultations on taxation of the individuals, not involved in entrepreneurial activities
•    Bargains taxation optimization, individuals revenues tax discharge
•    Drawing up documents regarding tax deductions
•    Drawing up declarations, tax calculations and declarations application, including by proxy
•    Appeal against tax officilas illegitimate acts at extrajudicial procedure (preparation and application of claims)
•    Legal treatment of tax control implemented by tax institutions over individuals expenses
•    Tax Law other matters

12. Drawing Up Documents
    Qualified aid on drawing up any legal documents
•    Agreements
•    Letter/power of attorney
•    Suits
•    Claims
•    Applications and petitions
•    Other legal documents

13. Legal Defence
•    Specialists consultations on civil cases, arisen from civil and public jural relations (honour protection, business reputation protection, indemnification, compensation of damages, losses, lost profits, moral damages, health and life injures, etc.)
•    Writs, writs testimonials
•    Legal examination of evidences
•    Evidences presentation
•    Legal defence of interests in ordinary courts
•    Appeals
•    Consultations on legal decision matters implementation


›What other services renders the  Law office “Your Jurisconsult” ?

› Payment for legal services in Armenia

› How to registration a firm in Armenia ?

› Registration of changes of legal entities

› How to liquidate a firm in Armenia ?

› How to become the double citizen ?

› Comments on family end  probate cases  in Armenia

>What is important to know about obligatory millitary service in Armenia?

> Order of entering the Republic of Armenia

> Rights and responsibilities of foreigners in the Republic of Armenia

> Acces to petirement insurance and oension benefits  in Armenia

>Customs registration of cargoes in Armenia

> Education of foreigners in Armenia

> Employment  in  Armenia 

>The foreign investment in Armenia

>Citizens that have not completed mandatory military service in Armenia

> Marriage and Divorce in Armenia

> Birth registration in Armenia

> Assurance of documents - apostils of Armenia

> Paternity determination in Armenia

> Rules adoption of a child in Armenia

› Your child has been kidnapped, what to  do ?

› International adoption in Armenia

› Help the attorney in Armenia on extradition

›Abandonment or renunciation of citizenship of Armenia

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We express our gratitude to the law firm "Your Jurisconsult" for professional legal protection of the interests of our organization in relations with the tax authorities. High qualification and expertise help us to defend the rights of our company and prevent unwarranted use of economic sanctions.

"Syscon" LLC Batyr Durdyyev Business Manager
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